SpeedCircuit Secondary Fuel Pump Trigger Kit for Evo X
SpeedCircuit Secondary Fuel Pump Trigger Kit for Evo X
SpeedCircuit Secondary Fuel Pump Trigger Kit for Evo X
SpeedCircuit Secondary Fuel Pump Trigger Kit for Evo X

SpeedCircuit Secondary Fuel Pump Trigger Kit for Evo X


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Do you have a dual pump setup in your Evo X and wish you had a good way of triggering the secondary pump? Traditionally, people have used a hobbs switch for this purpose, and while it works, they can be unreliable and a bit clunky. It will often require another bung welded into the intercooler piping, extra wires and hoses running through the engine bay, and it's just not as tidy as most people would like it to be.

We teamed up with ripnet and came up with a great new solution. This kit allows tuners to trigger a secondary fuel pump based on load using ECUFlash. The kit includes a plug and play connector and a software patch for your ECUFlash ROM.


  • Must use a supported ROM ID. The supported IDs are listed below.
  • The car must run a 3 port boost control solenoid connected to the brown connector.
  • The factory 2-port solenoid which uses the black connector must be unplugged.
  • The car must be an Evo X, this specific kit will not work on a Ralliart
  • A secondary fuel pump must be installed and wired up with a relay. The secondary pump should not automatically run when the car is started.

Here's how it works:

  1. Plug the provided cable into the black connector which was originally connected to the black 2-port boost control solenoid.
  2. Run the wires through the car to the relay which controls the secondary fuel pump.
  3. Connect the blue wire to 86 on the relay and the red wire to 85.
  4. Go to this website and generate a license key with the coupon code that you were provided. Note that this will require your VIN number.
  5. Download the appropriate XML for your ROMID here.
  6. Open the downloaded file in a text editor such as notepad.
  7. Select all of text in the file by pressing CTRL+A, and copy it by pressing CTRL+C
  8. In a text editor, open the XML file that matches your ROMID in following folder (note: this may require Administrator permissions on your PC): "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenECU\ECUFlash\rommetadata\mitsubishi\evo"
  9. Before the "</rom>" closing tag in the end of the file, paste the text from the downloaded file by pressing CTRL+V
  10. Save the file. If the file won't save, be sure your have Administrator rights to that folder.
  11. Launch ECUFlash and open your ROM file.
  12. Scroll down until you see "Secondary Fuel Pump"
  13. Open "Secondary Fuel Pump - Data", and press the "+" sign to make it say "Data Present".
  14. Open "Secondary Fuel Pump - Function Call", and press the "+" sign to make it say "Data Present".
  15. Open " Secondary Fuel Pump - License Key" and enter the License Key that you generated.
  16. (Optional) Open "Secondary Fuel Pump - Intercooler Sprayer Enabled" and use the "+" and "-" keys to toggle whether or not you want that feature enabled. This will trigger the intercooler sprayer light on your dashboard to turn on when the secondary pump is being fired.
  17. Open "Secondary Fuel Pump - Load vs RPM" - Set the load points for when you would like the secondary pump enabled at various RPMs.
  18. Open "Secondary Fuel Pump - Load Hysteresis" to edit the hysteresis of the trigger.

Currently Supported ROM IDs:

  • 52680022 (GSR 08-09)
  • 56890013 (GSR 2011)
  • 59580004 (GSR 13/15/FE)

Note: These will work with the Tephramod v1-3 versions of these ROMs (i.e. replacing the third to last number from 0 to 1, 2 or 3). For example, the Tephramod v3 ROM ID 52680322 will work the same as the standard ROM 52680022.

ROM IDs Currently in Development:

  • 52690022 (MR 08-09)
  • 55570006 (GSR 2010)
  • 55580006 (MR 2010)
  • 58010005 (GSR 2012)

Other ROMs can be added upon request.